Ever since I first joined Newgrounds, my profile description has been a delightful story about the time a friend of mine tragically lost his pet rabbit in a firework mishap. I find the incident highly amusing and have decided to enlighten you with further details of the event.
You see, this friend actually had three rabbits. Unfortunately, one of these cute bunnies escaped from the cage at night, and it's tiny furry corpse was later discovered in his pond, it's tiny lungs filled with water. So he had a bad history with the species. But things were only going to get worse.
It was on Bonfire Night roughly seven years ago when the following took place. I had been invited to a barbeque style event featuring fireworks. Also present were his retarded neighbours, who are about the closest things to rednecks that I've ever met. For some bizarre reason, they were also in charge of the fireworks.
The first few went off fine, with a bang, you might say. Unfortunately, it was a disaster waiting to happen. Mr Redneck Neighbour didn't place the stand on solid ground when he lit the fuse. Seconds before the firework went off, it tipped on its side and shot across the garden. Luckily there were no people in the way...only a rabbit hutch. One minute the little guy was chilling out and chewing some grass, and the next he was just a pile of steaming guts.
The other rabbit survived the incident but died the next day, presumably from the shock of seeing his dear old room-mate explode. The last rabbit was gone, leaving only an empty hutch full of traumatic memories.
In conclusion, if you fuck with fireworks, they'll fuck with your rabbits.