As the unoriginal cunt I am, I'd like to make a proposition to all you fags who don't have flash out there: I will make you a flash.
But wait, there's more to this exciting adventure. I will make whatever you say. Every single suggestion. Every single comment that gets left, which provides details on what flash you want made, will be transformed into an epicly shitty movie.
The idea is that it's a joke. I want you to think of really funny shit. Preferably I'm looking for loops which last a couple of frames but still get a laugh out of stupid people like myself. Joke quiz games are cool too. I'll make anything though.
Nothing is off limits unless it will get me deleted. So nudity is awesome, but child nudity isn't.
If you ask me to make something that is good, for example, featuring proper voice acting, I'll delete your comment and pretend it didn't exist.
Be detailed. Tell me which song you want used and where you want everything to be.
I'll co-author you, but only if you want to be. Tell me if you do or I'll assume you don't.
It won't be good. It'll be a joke. So I can't promise it will pass. But it probably will.
Cock Rockets
Christmas Cock Rockets
A Pissy Christmas
Cock Rocket Adventures
Saints Of Jovaland
Muffin Dating Sim
Salty Dogs
BBS Life Thing
Meatspin: The Animated Version
So then, hit me with your ideas. Or don't. Whatever floats your boat.
Cock-rockets flying around to the theme of South Park.
Fuck yeah. Consider it made.