So I was watching that episode of Thunderbirds with the giant alligators, and it suddenly occured to me how shit most adverts are. And then I realised that I needed to make a new post before MrFinland spells out so many letters of the word 'faggot' that I can't think of a witty response. Hence this completely serious list which proves I have no life.
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To be honest, I don't like this one very much actually.
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I think every other person in England would have put this advert at number one. I think it only makes it to number four. It's for chocolate, by the way.
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I saw this one years ago on the interwebs. I don't laugh at it anymore but it's still undeniably one sexy piece of shit.
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No comment.
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I was only lucky enough to see this once on tv, but I love it. More than life itself.
Special mention goes to this video. It's not an advert but I pissed myself laughing at it. No, really.
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