Seriously, I can't be bothered to think of an idea for my next flash. Think up an idea and you'll get co-author.
Must not contain anything decent. I can't animate.
It can contain buttons and shit though. I can do that stuff.
Once again, not too advanced.
Must be passable, but still quite shit.
No voice acting.
Not too long.
Not boring.
Blah blah blah. No deadline, I'll just pick the best idea when I feel like it.
Vote five.
Alright so there's this guy right? except he's really an alligator and he walks into this store right? and he walks up to the shop keep right? and the shop keep is like a cauliflower right? and the cauliflower tells the crocodile "get out. your kind isn't welcome here" right? and the crocodile goes to leave then turns around and says to the cauliflower "one day my kind will rise up against the white man". n****rs n****rs n****rs.
How's that?