I'd like to share some faggotry with you. Some very own home-grown faggotry, which I have compiled using that thing Citricsquid made. Not all of it is 100% faggot but most of it is, and comes entirely from my 323 threads.
Wombats - first thread and all.
Dinosaurs - scroll down for 13-year old rage which makes me sick to look back on. Twice.
My Film - self whoring out of a shitty, shitty pornographic film I made.
Bob vs the rainforest - same fucking thing without porn.
The guy in the tank - derailed my own thread to tell somebody off for having a copyrighted username.
Help! - I honestly have never had a pus-leaking carpet burn.
My cousin is a faggot - attention seeking lies.
Night of the Buffalo - this one just makes me want to die.
Lost=Shit - ploar bears.
Am I a freak? - evidently so.
Who is the real culprit? - by 'me and my friend' I actually meant ' me and my mother'.
Deep Blue Sea in ten minutes - that was inexpected.
Die, Mario, Die! - Wade thinks I'm a failure.
Filming masturbation for money - you are a faget and just want to see men jack off
My cousin killed my gerbil - never actually happened.
The fence - ever heard of 'The Boy In The Striped Pajamas'?
Brere Rabbit is fucking retarded - South Africans
Seriously mess up story - Ice Climber II
Morally right? - baby dick stroking.
Everybody type without looking - ten pages that nobody will read.
I murdered a hedgehog - 'faggoty looking hedgehog'.
Sick fucks - get out bart im piss
My gerbil is trying to kill me - more lies.
England - because I happened to have a spare picture of Vinnie Jones with red eyes.
Harry Potter Spoilers - because I was angsty about the actual spoilers.
Harry Potter is unbeleviable - I stole the joke.
Fucking MSN retards - grammer
Big black bald people with no hair - just some fetish thread.
Awesome Saw IV plot twist revealed - well I thought it was funny.
Why, Youtube? - "Sidorio, you're so fucking awesome, have tons of friends and are most certainly not a sixteen year old virgin loser."
I saw a guy in an NG shirt - moar lies
Clown blowjob - back in the day when I was scared of porn.
Less than half an hour until HSM 2 - I actually did watch High School Musical 2.
Silly NG, you polluted my innocence - black people love chicken pie.
Pissing in the shower - yeah, whatever.
Newgrounds Webcomic - I worked fucking hard on that comic and got no responses.
Beastility ad - I did click the link really.
Highest abortion rate in the world - suck on that, Liverpool.
Incest: The Board Game - I regret to say that this one is true.
I just made a ten year old cry - best day of my life.
Serious talk about willies and such - many babies.
If dogs could masturbate... - third masturbation topic.
Velociraptors of my mind - I still do this.
What would you do? - incest, again.
Tomorrow is Newgrounds Wank Day - I think only I participated.
Goatse - no comment.
If the BBS was Lost... - what about the ploar bears?
Any weapon for a leg? - this shit turns me on.
Boy expelled for being a pedo - turned out she gave him the pictures.
Weird phobias - I am still terrified of this.
Date rape - failed that project.
Tired of being lonely? Turn gay - based on experience.
Sucking dicks for cash - more of the same.
Hang on, Google - so many sex topics.
I do not like black cocks - just kidding.
If it weren't for Wade Fulp... - or would you?
And now here's a few that slightly amused me.
Fill in the gap and win an e-cookie. - the answer is wings.
Sell your babies - E-bay B
Chose your own epic adventure! - with plenty of spelling errors.
My teacher is naked on the internet - I consider this to be my best ever thread due to maintaining an obvious lie for ten pages.
I suggest we kill all the horses - McHorse Burger.
Can ghosts masturbate? - origins of ectoplasm.
My 7 year old brother was wanking -this one acually happened.
Things you used to believe - I also thought that to have gay sex, you had to stretch open your dick hole and have another guy put his dick in the gap.
Design a terrible, terrible prequel - Passion of the Christ II
Women? - chest testicles
Serious Question - obviously Drake
Incest comic - 'fuckstick'
If life was a vidoe game... - I know what I'd be doing.
11th of September, 2001 - never forget.
Happy Birthday, Mariobro42! - if you missed out on Mariobro42 and his antics, you deserve to die.
im on my brothers account - more A+ trolling.
hai guys i saw some boobs - this did happen.
Madeline McCann - still haven't seen series four.
The Snowman - huge kiddy dick.
I need to impress a girl - I drew Pickachu on my penis and flopped it out while she was on the toilet. Where did I go wrong?
"Pokemon are gay" says Ash Ketchum - these are getting too recent to properly qualify anyway.
I wish I was black - some amusing racism.
How I first realised Newgrounds is American - doesn't count as racism.
Spot the photoshop - At least I thought it was clever.
Mr Incredible - not so incredible.
In b4 nobody reads any of them or comments.
in b4 faggot posts
Just look at the third post.