Twas an ordinary day on the BBS. Many topics, but little to say. Until out of the depths, rose a small band of faggots, desperate to ruin the fun of the BBS by advertising their shitty flash in the hope that somebody would actually watch it.
Battle began immediately as an even larger band of faggots decided it was appropriate to down-vote the flash to the point where it was no longer recognised. The creators screamed in terror and cried with all the might in their body, accusing the warriors of being jerks and freaks with no lives, even down-voting their awesome flash right back at them - insults that bounced from their hardened skins.
The battle raged on, and the score went further and further down. From 3.55 to 2.37, yet the creators had not learned their lesson and continued to bitch. In it's dying screams, the flash unleashed levels of faggotry and Aids that had never before been seen. And then, it was blammed, faster than you could say 'lulz'.
A great achievement for all involved, I'd say. Although some faggy mod deleted it. Basically, for those of you who didn't get to see the wonders, me and a bunch of guys down-voted a flash that was being advertised on the BBS until it went down so much that it got deleted. But the creators deserved it since the co-authors were cocky enough to review the flash and give it tens.
Below is an artists impression of the battle. Seems accurate.
The battles never end. :P
Not while there is hope in our hearts.